Kampong Chhnang and Pursat Provincial Gendarmerie have collaborated in the arrest against two suspected drug traffickers on Monday. The arrest was made at Po Takuy village at Lolok Sor commune, Pursat city. The suspects were identified as Pheng Sophan, 21 and Nan, 25. One large pack and a small size plastic bag with white substances believed to be Crystal Methamphetamine, well known as “ice”- were seized from the suspects - weighing more than 50 grams.
Prosecutors from Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court, Ith Sothea and from Pursat, Koy Kanya have coordinated on the arrest of the two. As part of the health safety protocols, the two were tested for Covid-19. Results were negative. Drug trafficking cases were already submitted to the Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court on Tuesday.